Location: Lowell, MA

I'm Kevin Griener, bitch; you better axe someone.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Dear Blog,

I finally got the last of the Spinners tickets yesterday. And no sooner did that happen than I began to start looking around at the other New England minor league teams. There are seven of them, in all: the Spinners (Red Sox A), the New Britain (CT) Rock Cats (Twins AA), the Connecticut Defenders (Giants AA), the Pawtucket (RI) Red Sox (AAA), the Portland (ME) Sea Dogs (Red Sox AA), the New Hampshire Fisher Cats (Blue Jays AA), and the Vermont Lake Monsters (Nationals A). I've come up with a nifty little plan to see all of them this summer, but I need to get my ducks in a row in a hurry with regards to the Sea Dogs and PawSox, because their tickets go pretty quickly. The first part of my plan calls for trip on the weekend of June 9th to see the two Connecticut teams, staying overnight Saturday at my cousin Kerry's apartment. The plan has hit a bit of a snag because Kerry, I found out last night, was planning on being here that weekend - at the very least she will be coming up for a baby shower Friday evening and then has plans to see a friend Saturday. But she seemed receptive to the idea, and said she'll see if she couldn't get back to Connecticut Saturday night. We'll see how everything works out.

I went to one of my sister's team's lacrosse games yesterday afternoon, and sort of worked as a consultant on the sideline. I've never played lacrosse, of course, but as I've spent virtually the entirety of my youth watching sports I've developed a decent sports IQ, as it were, and I can see things that maybe aren't obvious to everyone. The most obvious thing that I saw yesterday was that neither the varsity nor the JV was doing a very good job communicating, specifically when they got open. Varsity lost 10-5, or something like that, but Kait's JV team was able to tie 6-6. They almost won, in fact; the other team scored with 12 seconds left to tie the score. Hopefully they carry enough of the frustration over to their last two games to put them over the top in at least one of them.

Work has been interesting, to say the least, this week. Monday was a long night, capped off by an extra fifteen minutes at the end taping up a bunch of packages that had worked their way over to PD-5. Tuesday, on the other hand, was a breeze. Last night was somewhere in between. Our full-time supervisor seems to be trying to set some sort of record for how many people he can make genuinely mad at him at one time, and he's doing a damn good job of it. Honestly, when he's telling me something I don't particularly want to hear, I just sort of nod him off and send him on his way, but a lot of people take what he says very seriously and get upset at it.

Last night, for instance, apparently he told Fred that he was going to start writing up and firing people for being late. Now, Fred, whose performance at his job I have gushed about here on multiple occasions, comes in late quite a bit, because it's not always easy for a guy working another job and who also has a family to get to his 11:00 overnight on time every night. That said, he is still much more productive during the time he is here than pretty much anyone who arrives on time and works the whole shift. So, what the sup told him was a threat, but it was an obviously empty threat - there is no way he is going to fire his best worker, as well as one of the most popular guys in the whole hub. But he told him that anyway, to see if he could squeeze out some extra minutes out of the guy. It's the sort of thing that, if I were Fred, I would have responded to with an "ok, I'll do my best to get here on time", and then continued to do exactly what I was doing. Is the sup an asshole for making empty threats at his best worker? Absolutely. Is getting upset or arguing with him going to make him change? No - all it's going to do is add unnecessary stress into your life, which of course will shorten it, and probably lead to Alzheimer's or something. Just smile, nod, ignore. That's my philosophy. And I get very upset about quite a few things.

Weekend plans: mom and dad are still in town, so Kait and I will be headed down to the Cape for Memorial Day weekend. I imagine a lot of other folks will be down there, as well, so it should be a seriously good time. Kait has another lacrosse game this afternoon, and I may make my way over there after I've had lunch and a shower.

Ok, that's enough for now. Sports tomorrow. Till then...


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