Location: Lowell, MA

I'm Kevin Griener, bitch; you better axe someone.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Dear Blog,

It's been almost a month since I posted. Once something drops out of my routine, I have a hard time remembering to do it. If I can get going again, hopefully I won't have any more long lapses for awhile.

Not that I wouldn't have excuses, mind you. It's been a terribly, hmmm, bizzare time for me, especially these last couple of weeks. I'll fill you in.

Easter Sunday I met the folks, along with a bunch of the rest of the family, for the Easter meal. That afternoon, around 4:00 or so, dad had to leave and fly home. The plan was he was going to work the week, and then come up at the end of the week, spend the next weekend at the Cape, and then drive back with mom & Duncan the next Monday, which would have been a week ago today. That was the plan.

What actually happened was, my dad had been feeling tightness in his chest recently when he exerted himself. He thought it was a pulled muscle, but his doctor recomended he get a stress test, just in case. Turns out that was a good idea, because he ended up needing open-heart bypass surgery. Mom flew down to Maryland on Wednesday, and the surgery was on Friday. Everything went well, and Kait and I drove down with Duncan for an impromptu visit Saturday. I didn't get to see anyone, as the visit was completely unplanned, but that's ok, because I've booked another trip for the weekend of cinco de mayo.

Anywhoo, that was also the weekend the Nor'easter hit, which made getting back a pain in the ass - I had to call out of work Monday and Tuesday, because the earliest I could fly back was Wednesday. Then Kait and I drove down to the Cape on Saturday, and spent the weekend there, where we happily learned that Dino's, the bar where I was able to catch most of the Redskins' games last season, also had the MLB Extra Innings package, and so I can go there to catch the weekend Orioles games, as long as they aren't playing at the same time as the Red Sox.

I've subscribed to, but I'm having problems with the video feed, which is definately making me unhappy, since it ain't exactly free. I'll get that shit corrected this week.

So, like I said, it's been busy recently, but I'll get back in the swing of things this week. Sports entry tomorrow - I've got a lot on that plate to cover, as well.


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