Location: Lowell, MA

I'm Kevin Griener, bitch; you better axe someone.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Dear Blog,

My posting has become increasingly sporadic recently, and I worry that I'll stop posting entirely, which usually happens once I lose the routine of posting regularly. I'll have to do my best to keep that from happening. The reason for the break-up in posting is that the Holiday season is fast approaching, and I don't need to tell anyone how that makes us all busy.

At UPS the problem is intensified because with the coming Holidays comes increased volume; the dreaded PEAK SEASON is approaching, something about which the UPS vets all speak in hushed tones, as people my age may remember the Iraqi Elite Republican Guard was talked about back in the first Gulf War. We're only now getting into peak season, which means that coming home from work, I find myself a little spent - although still it is not nearly as bad as it was when I first started working there.

My sister's friend Steve Cohn visited yesterday, spending the night on our guest couch (it's a pull-out queen-size bed, people...). Steve is a funny guy who has pretty good stories, so we were glad to see him. Also, my cousin Mark dropped by yesterday evening. This was his second visit to the apartment, making him our most regualr visitor - one-time visitors include Steve, my friends Mark & Dan, Kait's friend Hans, and Kait's friend from work Kelly and her boyfriend, whose name I did not catch. Mark told me I looked like I had lost 50 lbs, which was encouraging. I've noticed the change in my arms, of course, but I haven't been able to track my weight loss, mostly because my weight issues in recent years have made me afraid of scales. If I am losing weight, it is not suprising, of course, as I am going from next to no exercise to about 4.5 hours worth a night. Anyway, if you want to get in shape, moonlight (literaslly) at your nearby UPS for a couple of months. They will cetainly be willing to take you on right now...

Tomorrow mom and dad will be arriving, bringing Grandma (and, presumably, Duncan) with them. Then it will be off to aunt Martha's house, where no fewer than 25 people will be gathered for a Thanksgiving dinner of epic proportions. I probably won't be able to blog tomorrow, but I can't imagine anyone woud be spending their Thanksgiving reading blogs, anyway.

I may post in the other blogs today, I'm not sure.


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