Location: Lowell, MA

I'm Kevin Griener, bitch; you better axe someone.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Double Dog Entry

Ladies and Gentlemen; tonight I come to you bearing THE TRUTH. But first...

Ummm, about yesterday. You see, I got home from work at about 4:00 AM (read the rest of this post for an essay of the wonders at working all night so you can drive at odd hours), and my sister's car was in the shop, so there wasn't any real sleep until after I could drive her to work (her work is within walking distance of the shop so she was able to get back without my assistance), and then, after another period too short to call any rest you might get during said period "sleep", my firend Andy from work dropped over. He goes to the Community College during the day (AND he has another full-time job; the kid never fuckin' sleeps; I have no fuckin' idea how he manages it, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to; we're all crazy, it's just a matter of degrees), and on MWF he has an hour break where he can pop on by (and I do mean pop on by, I can see the school from the window of my apartment) and we can shoot the shit about whatever for about 45 minutes, and I can get him a bagel if he wants one.

Anyway, after he left I could finally get some sleep, so this is the first opportunity I have had to write in this journal (actually, upon rethinking the matter in my head, it occurs to me that I very well could have written it in the first break in time between getting home from my work and dropping my sister off at her work; well, now the purpose of the giant-assed story is out the window, but I spent too much damn energy writing it at this ridiculous hour of the morning and I damn sure am not just going to delete it; I'm sorry if you motherfuckers are sore that that giant-assed paragraph you just read didn't amount to diddly shit, but I worked too hard typing that to just piss it away; some of you may be just figuring out right now that THIS giant assed paragraph is, in fact, ANOTHER colossal waste of your time, and that's probably stinging your ass pretty good; in fact, so is this sentence).

This is cool, it's like I'm travelling into the future and across the span of the internets to fuck with you.

Ok, where was I? Oh ya, today. Or, technically, yesterday - people who work all night have a hard time with their sense of "today" vs. "tomorrow"; my rule of thumb has always been, what happens before I go to bed is today, whatever happened before I woke up is "yesterday", and whatever will happen after I next wake up "tomorrow". For most people, myself included for many years, this was a pretty accurate depiction of the world, except for on the weekends. But when you go to bed at 5:00 in the morning, just as about everyone else in the world is waking up, "today" can mean, depending on how you use it, to mean an event that took place up to 20 hours before the most recent midnight, or an event that takes place up to 6 hours after the next one, a time span which includes parts of three different "days", by its proper definition.

To make it even easier on you motherfuckers, I'm going to type "yesterday" for anything that occurs before - or as - I type this. So, I'm typing this yesterday. Wierd, huh?

Yesterday, after I awoke from the slumber that defines, for me, the difference between "yesterday" and "today", but occuring well after what the standard definitions of those words define that border to be, I made a fish meal which we had for dinner ("we" being my sister and I; read the other entries if you're just joining us now - they're located below or click on the "archive" on what believe is your left; I don't have the template memorized and I damn sure don't intend on editing this if I made a mistake, so I'll just mention here that it could POSSIBLY be on your right; if you weren't able to find it on the left); it was damn tasty, but the salmon had too many bones and I made too much of it; I'll be having some tommo - err, today - for lunch. Oh, and I watched Dances With Wolves for the first time since I had seen it in the theaters when it came out (goddam what a fantastic movie that was; I'm not sure I've seen many better ones since I saw that, at an age too early to appreciate it) (it now occurs to me that that was another opportunity to update this thing to- *ahem*, yesterday).

Scrubs was decent, as usual (Scrubs was the most consistently funny show I had ever seen run while it was running, and watching the episodes over again on Comedy Central, even if I remember some of them, is a delight), and the Daily Show and the Colbert Report bost bested par (which is of course saying something when you consider what par for those two is). Work was a bit of a drag. They sent me to unload, which I actually enjoy doing once a week to break up the monotany (which is saying something consider the monotany of unloading - it's more monotonus than sorting; I was breaking up the monotony by a different kind of monotony, a more monotonus one, even, but it still works; I just realized that's kind of sad as I was typing it). But I cut my hand this particular time, and that's just gonna be a goddam ugly thing on my hand that's gonna sting until it goes away and it sucks because I was just getting rid of one of those on my elbow as this happened. Other than that, it was fine, which is about all you can hope for (the REAL good thing about unloading, even better than the monotony break-up, is the fact that you can't have TOO bad a day unloading; not compared to what it's like when you have packages piled up around your knees because half of the sort belts aren't working so your screaming at your unloader to shut his belt off and you always have to yell several times, the more, it seems, the more badly you need the relief - it never gets that bad; unless you cut yourself, of course).

I promised you guys, several paragrapghs ago, an essay on the wonders of driving at the ass hours of night, when only the overnighters are on the road; well, I'm too tired. Too tired to even go back upd correct it. So you'll gave to wait some more. Maybe I'll get to it tomorrow.

I mean, today.


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